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Is Chivalry Dying Among African American Men, or Is Feminist Black Women Killing It?

Today, it's virtually impossible to count the number of Black women whom I've heard say; "I get more respect from other men than I do Black men." In fact, this same group of Black women claim that Black men today treat other women with more respect than they do their own Black women. As a result, the attitudes of multitudes of Black women have really changed concerning Black men over the past 40 plus years. 

There was a moment and time when Black women would "NEVER" praise other men over Black men for their treatment of them. However, that was then….this is now! 

Though this chivalry issue (or the lack thereof) seems to be one-sided or one of the biggest complaints from Black women regarding Black men today, I truly believe chivalry as it pertains to the African American community is diminishing as a direct result of how....

The N-Word! (A Term Of Endearment Or Ignorance?)

I have a very profound question to ask, or rather a thought-provocative challenge for a certain class of African Americans: 

Question: Why is it okay for you to use the word NIGGER to reference yourselves but whites and or other Non-Blacks can't use the word, even as a term of endearment? Isn't that kind of bias to say that only a certain group of people can use a particular word to reference themselves, but other groups of people can't?  

Doesn't this seem to be some type of unfair double-standard, or is it just plain modern-day ignorance on the part of a certain class of African American people today?

Why do so many African Americans have to use that profane word in the first place when our ancestors fought so hard for nearly a century to banned the word? 

I can remember reading an article about a "white" male who shouted "NIGGER at an African American man in the street, who had to be cleared of "racial abuse" after a court agreed he was merely using the word in the form of "street slang" or as many African American people today would foolishly classify it as being....a term of endearment. 

The "white" guy aka Christopher Jones, who claims he has "more African American friends than white friends," was....

Are You Mentally, Emotionally and Morally Prepared For True love?

Everyday Black men and Black women enter into relationships and marriages hoping for the very best only to be astonished when they finally realize that the individual responsible for ruining their marriage or totally destroying their relationship was the man or woman in the mirror. 

In just about every case one or both individuals were totally unprepared for love….but neither of them had any idea that they or the individual they chose to espouse or enter into a relationship with wasn't ready for true love.

Today, there are hordes of Black men and Black women in relationships who are very selfish and very opportunistic and who have absolutely NO clue as to what true love is. Due to this lack of knowledge many of them are attempting to build solid relationships and or marriages on very weak foundations such as; illicit sex, money, power, prestige and other material requirements where true love and commitment are unrequited. Unfortunately, it seems as though many of these men and women are NOT looking for a husband or a wife today as much as they are looking for.....