Within this page I will attempt to share some very interesting yet very critical statistics regarding African Americans. Statistics that are pretty much up-to-date and statistics that were gathered from a multitude of very reliable sources. However, most of these statistics (namely our current economical practises) have far too many negatives that we continue to deny or fail to correct 149 years after slavery, and 4 years after America elected it's first African American president. Statistics in which I hope wake the African American masses before we eventually "sleep-walk" our way back into shackles and chains.
Overview (Demographics):
As of January 1 of 2012, 43.8 million people in the United States or 14 percent of the civilian non-institutionalized population were African American. We are the second largest minority population following the Hispanic/Latino population. The 10 states (above) with the largest African American population in 2011 were New York, Florida, Texas, Georgia, California, North Carolina, Illinois, Maryland, Virginia and Ohio.
Louisiana is no longer in the top 10 as a result of the Hurricane Katrina disaster that cause 56% of the African American population in New Orleans, LA to lose their lives, along with a staggering 108 billion dollars in damages.
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Please Note: Obama sent more 1st responders before
Sandy than Bush did 3 days after Katrina!!
Combined ----- ALL 10 states mentioned above represented 58% of the total African American population in the US. Now the two cities in the US with the highest population of African Americans (with at least 100,000 or more), are Detroit, MI. (84% African American population in the city only), and Jackson, MS. (80% African American population in the city only). Over-all the state of Michigan is ranked 11th and the state of Mississippi is ranked 17th, as being African American populated sates.
The top 5 States with the least amount of African Americans in the order of their ranking are:
- Montana - (ranked 51) - African American Population = 2,128
- Wyoming - (ranked 50) - African American Population = 3,373
- Vermont - (ranked 49) - African American Population = 3,572
- North Dakota - (ranked 48) - African American Population = 4,062
- Idaho - (ranked 47) - African American Population = 6,103
Below are more general statistics regarding African Americans:
- According to the 2011 US Census, 45.5% of African Americans are male and 54.5% African Americans are female.
- African Americans are concentrated in the following geographic regions: 54.8% in the south, 18.8% in the Midwest, 17.6% in the northeast, and 8.9% in the west.
- African Americans reside in 12.0 million households in the US.
- 32.5% of African American families are married couple families.
- 39.8% of African American families are female headed families.
- 70% of all African American women are less likely to marry.
- Interracial marriages involving African Americans increased 446% between 1970 and 2012, with 8 out of every 10 interracial relationships involving an African American man.
- 86% of African Americans and 66% of Whites would NOT object to their children or grandchildren marrying someone of another race.
- Only 21% of all African Americans believe that the goals of the Civil Rights Movement have been achieved, compared to the 56% of Whites who believed so.
- Only 38% of all African American, compared to 76% of Whites, felt that African Americans are treated fairly.
- 77% of all African Americans, compared to 92% of Whites, are satisfied with their opportunities to succeed in life.
- African Americans are twice as likely as whites to be among the first to discover new trends, and consider themselves on the cutting edge.
- 48% African Americans need to keep up on the latest trends in movies, music and TV.
- African Americans have the highest television viewing in their households, at an average of 75.8 hours per week.
- African Americans have the highest weekly radio listening time at 24.5 hours per week.
- African-American Internet users spend a monthly average of 44 hours searching the World Wide Web.
- Thirty-three percent of all African Americans own a smart-phone.
- African Americans use more than double the amount of mobile phone voice minutes compared to whites--1,298 minutes a month vs. only 606.
- African American women are more likely to be the influencers, motivators and catalysts with regard to travel in many African American households.
- There will be 18.8 million African American men in the US by 2015.
- There will be 20.7 million African American women in the US by 2015.
Educational Attainment:
In 2011, as compared to Whites 25 years and over, a lower percentage of African Americans had earned at least a high school diploma (82 percent and 91 percent, respectively). More African American women than men had earned at least a bachelor's degree (19.8 percent compared with 15.7 percent), while among non-Hispanic Whites, a higher proportion of men than women had earned at least a bachelor's degree (32 percent and 31 percent, respectively).
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"Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave!" |
Below are more interesting statistics regarding African Americans and Education:
- African American education levels: 77.6% of those ages 18+ are high school graduates (versus 83.1% of the population).
- 14.6% of all African Americans possess a Bachelor's degree or higher.
- 4.3% of all African-Americans hold advanced degrees.
- Currently 105 colleges and universities, 51 public and 54 private, were established to provide African Americans with an education when there was nowhere else for them go in post-slavery years.
- Black colleges or universities have produced about 25% of all black college graduates, though they represent only 3% of all U.S. colleges and universities.
- The median income of African Americans ages 25+ with degrees is at least 45% higher than those without.
- 77% of all African Americans, compared to 92% of Whites, felt progress has been made in educational equality since the Brown versus the Board of Education decision.
- African Americans are twice as likely as Whites to indicate that better teachers would improve the situation; Whites are twice as likely as African Americans to say more family involvement is a solution.
- Education (31.7%) and business (25.8%) are the most popular areas of interest for Master's degrees obtained by African-Americans.
- Education (34.7%) and psychology (12.0%) are the most popular areas of interest for Doctor's degrees obtained by African-Americans.
- African Americans were nearly twice as likely as Whites to obtain a degree in education.
- More African American women than men had earned at least a bachelor's degree (16 percent compared with 14 percent).
According to the 2011 Census Bureau report, the average African-American family median income was $39,988 in comparison to $67,892 for non-Hispanic White families. In 2011, the U.S. Census bureau reported that 27.1 percent of African-Americans in comparison to 10.6 percent of non-Hispanic Whites were living at the poverty level. For 2011, the unemployment rate for African Americans was twice that for non-Hispanic Whites (15.8 percent and 7.9 percent, respectively). This finding was consistent for both African American men and women.
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"We are the world's biggest consumers and we INVEST very heavily into everyone else but ourselves!" |
Below are more critical statistics regarding African American Economics:
- With an annual buying power of nearly 1 trillion dollars, if African Americans were a country, we'd be the 16th largest economy in the world.
- African Americans are 80% more likely to patronize and buy products from small businesses (namely the Koreans), as well as major corporations that "DO NOT" give back to their communities with jobs, educational support and many other quality of life improvements.
- 95% of the income of African Americans go to businesses outside of the African American community.
- African-Americans control (own) less than 2% of the resources and overall wealth in the United States.
- Only about 1% of advertising budgets are devoted to campaigns targeting African American consumers.
- Procter & Gamble was the largest advertising spender targeting African Americans.
- African Americans are considered the most fashion conscious racial/ethnic group, and they are more likely to buy name brands and high fashion items for status and or as symbols of their success.
- 34% are likely to keep up with changes in trends and fashions compared to 25% of Whites.
- That same 34% will travel 1+ hours to shop at a factory outlet, compared to only 27% of all other consumers.
- African Americans are denied mortgages and home improvement loans at twice the rate of Whites.
- 39% of all African Americans lived in suburban areas in 2011, reflecting improved socioeconomic status which has allowed them to leave Urban ghettos of most inner cities.
- African American expenditures on new and used vehicles reportedly doubled within the past 5 years from $50.5 billion in 2007 to $63.2 billion today.
- African-American book buyers tend to be younger females (18-35) with incomes higher than the median for African Americans.
- African Americans have historically not invested due to lack of education about the stock markets and mistrust of brokers (49% vs. 38% for Whites).
- Only 28% of the top financial institutions are targeting African Americans.
- There are only three (3) African American male CEOs among the Fortune 500 community.
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"It's just that simple!" |
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I'm Currently Working on providing more interesting African American Statistics To Post In The Near Future!!!