
Is Welfare Partly Responsible For The Total Breakdown Of The Two-Parent Black Family Structure?

Unfortunately, many Black men and women of the "Conscious Communitytoday (myself included) strongly believe that one of the "BIGGEST PROBLEMS" facing the Black community is THE TOTAL BREAKDOWN AND DEVASTATION OF THE "TWO-PARENT" BLACK FAMILY STRUCTURE, WHICH IS STILL BEING INSTIGATED AND PERPETUATED BY MAINSTREAM SOCIETY AND BACKED BY THE WELFARE STATE, EVEN TODAY....

With the growing number of unloved, unwanted, illegitimate, bastard Black children.... 

With 87% of all of our Black homes being headed by young, inexperienced single Black males (9%) and females (78%) today....

With the divorce rate in the Black community soaring in record numbers within the first 5 years of marriage, which also includes the Black church....


As a result of the growing number of Black men and Black women in our society today who have been mentally, emotionally and socially engineered to believe that marriage and the "two-parent" Black family structure is very overrated and completely out-dated....the consensus clearly show that by mid-century, or by the year 2050, the "two-parent" Black family structure will become a thing of the past. 


Unfortunately, the saddest thing of it all is that most of us still remain in denial, or foolishly down-play it by regarding "FATHERLESS BLACK AMERICA" as being a norm today and that a very young and inexperienced female can be both, FATHER and MOTHER to her children.

Most of us can recall the infamous story of a single Florida mother (at the time) who went by the name of Angel Adams, who was living in a Florida hotel with her 15 children and demanded that the (Welfare) System be held accountable, and should pay for her and her 15 children's day-to-day hardships. 

                                 Please watch the following video for more details on the story:

As we've just witnessed, regardless of her own willingness to lay down and allow herself to become a sex receptacle for multiple males, Angel clearly refuse to take any responsibility for her own actions, as well as for her very poor choices in men.

Also, most of us can recall a music video that was created and posted on YouTube about 6 years ago, by a few young and very inexperienced Black single mothers who were very proud about being WELFARE QUEENS

Their music video titled: "IT'S FREE, SWIPE YOUR EBT" went viral, and had many people worldwide shocked, angry, disgusted and very upset, namely Black people such as myself who were extremely embarrassed by the nature of the video, as well as by the very graphic, demoralizing lyrics used in the video....

                                              That video can be viewed below:

As we can plainly see, the two-parent Black family structure is in grave danger the point Black children had a much better chance of growing up with TWO loving, caring, responsible parents in the home "AS SLAVES" than they do today.


Sadly, we are the only race of people today who embrace, celebrate and perpetuate ALL of the dysfunctional nonsense featured in this post.....

                                  WHY IS THAT SO BROTHAS AND SISTAHS?

                                                        Feel free to leave a comment!

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